In order to play the guitar well, you need to learn all there is to learn about playing the guitar. Even though I believe this theory aspect is important, I cannot stress the importance of positive thinking. If you want to achieve success in whatever you do, you need to re-condition your mind to think positive thoughts.
This is a guitar lesson especially for beginning guitarists. It gives some pointers for having the right type of mindset in order for you to be able to start playing the guitar well enough.
1. Hasty
One of the key ingredients to failure is that of being impulsive. There will come a time when the beginning guitarist feels impulsive and wants things to progress faster. This is because you know that there are a lot of things for you to learn.
When you want results and you want results fast, you tend to squeeze everything and try to learn as much as you can in a very short time. However, this is a surefire way to failure. You need to be patient so that whatever you learn can be absorbed well. Even if you can squeeze everything that you need to learn in one day, this is not a very effective method for learning to play the guitar.
What you'll need to do is to break up these huge tasks into smaller bite-sized tasks and take your time to learn them. Slowly, you'll be able to play the guitar. Being patient is the key.
2. Low self esteem
Another pessimistic mindset is that of having low self respect. When you have low self respect, you will tend to think of yourself lowly. In such cases, you are afraid of making errors. However, the more afraid you are, the more errors you will make.
Improve your mindset so that you're more able to handle this type of problem. Change your mindset so that you can take it when you make mistakes. Tell yourself that making mistakes is not something to be ashamed of. In fact, making mistakes and improving on them constructively will make you a better guitar player.
You need to be able to play in front of a small audience and take their criticism to heart and improve on your weak points. Don't take negative comments so hard that you end up with low self-esteem. Remember, making mistakes is good but only if you take these comments and improve on them constructively.
3. Distracted
Sometimes beginning guitarists do not concentrate on the tasks at hand, that is, learning to play the guitar well. You have so many things that you want or you have to do and you have to do them all at the same time. For example, a huge part of your spare time is spent on entertainment.
What is your goal? If your goal is to play the guitar well, you have to concentrate on the tasks at hand. Cut down on your social activities first. Find a suitable place for your guitar practices. Then practice your guitar as and when you can. When improvements have been made, you can then slowly increase your social activities to the way they were before.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Top 3 Mistakes
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Best Cheap Electric Guitars
You want to play electric guitar but you have a limited budget. Your first electric guitar needs to be cheap so you need to get some idea which is the best brand to buy. If you do not buy a good quality electric guitar your guitar playing learning curve is going to be that much more steep, and you are going to feel like a prize dumbbell telling people that your playing would be much better if your guitar was not such a pile of junk.
Let us set some ground rules. Do not buy a cheap guitar online unless the vendor is in your local area. Also, when we talk about cheap guitars we should be talking cheap brands, not old guitars of dubious quality and unknown condition. If there is a music shop or two somewhere close to where you live, they should be able to cater to your needs. There are a lot of deep mysteries connected with guitar playing but finding a cheap guitar is not one of them.
To start with, there are big brand name guitars that you may not be able to afford, and indeed it would be silly to pay a fortune for your first electric guitar, but there are copies of these famous guitars which you CAN afford. Amongst these copies of the big name guitars made by various guitar makers, are good and bad quality guitars, and you need to be familiar with the better quality makers of cheap guitars. Any guitar factory in Outer Mongolia can churn out realistic looking electric guitars but they may not be able to hold together for longer than five minutes.
Look on these also:--
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